The project

All people have a role to play in the image that Belgium sends back to the world, but we think the whole picture is not as bright as it could be. The idea behind Bexperiences is to take daily, individual experiences and, through them, show that what makes belgian people who and what they are can be found in the tiniest details. Videos, livefeeds, shared experiences, all together these will form a more sincere picture, an honest view on the belgian lifestyle.

The country

Belgium is… well, Belgium. We have great beer, great chocolate, and if the weather here is awful we can at least say that we have it good, because as the divided country that we are, we learned to live together and embrace difference. Here, multiple cultures always had to share the same country, and recently even more. Italy, Spain, Marocco, China or Brazil ; people come from all around the world to see our little country, and even if we sometimes wonder what they came looking for, we soon realize that life is pretty good here in Belgium.

The team

The team is made of people from different orientations. We have some PR students and one in Journalism,…  Just like what our project intends to demonstrate, we are a patchwork of many different knowledges and skills, and everyone in the team brings something on the table, participating in the creation of this bigger picture that is Bexperiences.


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